Isnin, 19 September 2011


(‘Fast Money’)

Bagaimana melakukannya?
(‘How to do it?’)

1. Bahan – bahan yang diperlukan
(‘What Do I Need?’)
- Sehelai duit kertas, kalau boleh yang baru
(‘A dollar bill, preferably a crisp one’)
- Seorang sukarela
(‘A volunteer’)

Bagaimana melakukannya?
(‘How to do it?’)

1. Pegang duit kertas seperti mana gambar rajah di atas pada kedudukan menegak. Biar seseorang untuk dalam keadaan sedia untuk menangkap duit kertas tersebut. Bilang satu, dua dan tiga. Apabila ia dijatuhkan ia akan bergerak antara ibu jari dan jari – jari yang lain sebelum tangan sempat menangkapnya.
(‘Hold the dollar bill as in drawing at upper left. Allow someone to hold his hand ready to catch it. Count one, two, three. As it is dropped it will move between the thumb and fingers before the lower hand can grasp it.’)

Bagaimana ia berlaku?
(‘How this works?’)

Ia mengambil masa untuk mata melihat apabila duit kertas itu dilepaskan, masa untuk otak untuk memberitahu tangan untuk merapatkan jari – jari, dan masa diperlukan untuk otot dalam tangan mengikut arahan otak.
(‘It takes time for the eye to see that the bill has been released, time for the brain to tell the hand to grasp, and still more time for the muscles in the hand to obey.’)

KERTAS CINCIN – berjalan melalui kertas

(‘Paper Ring – Walk Through Paper’)

Bagaimana melakukannya?
(‘How to do it?’)

1. Bahan – bahan yang diperlukan
(‘What Do I Need?’)
- Sehelai kertas kitar semula.
(‘A recycle paper’)
- Sebatang pembaris
(‘A ruler’)
- Sebatang pensil
(‘A pencil’)
- Pemotong – seperti pisau, gunting, pisau tajam atau bilah cukur
(‘A cutter – such as cutter, scissor, sharp knife or razor blade’)

2. Potong kertas seperti mana yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar rajah di atas. Kertas itu boleh dibuka, yang mana lubangnya cukup besar untuk seseorang melaluinya.
(‘Cut the paper as shown above in the drawing. The paper can be opened out, so that the hole in it is large enough for a person to step through’)

Bagaimana ia berlaku?
(‘How this works?’)

Helah ini bergantung kepada garisan yang dilukis dan juga cara kita memotong kertas. Pastikan memotong secara berselang seli, pada bahagian kiri dan kanan. Ini akan menghasilkan gelungan kertas yang besar dan boleh memuatkan seseorang.
(‘This trick depends on the lines that we drew and how we cut the paper. Make sure that you cut alternately, side to side, left and right. This will form a big hole that fit enough for a person to walk through.’)

Sumber rujukan : layhands

Khamis, 8 September 2011

Planets Song

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun
Venus comes next it's the hottest one
Earth comes third the only life that we know
Mars has the largest canyon and volcano

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

The gassy planet Jupiter, the largest you will find
Saturn has rings around the outside
Uranus is funny ‘cause it spins on its side
Neptune looks blue, the coldest of its kind

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Okay get ready
We're gonna say all the planets really, really, really fast
Can you keep up?
We're gonna say all the planets from the first to the last

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Audio, please click here

Click here to download the song

Reference : havefunteaching

Rabu, 7 September 2011

The Water Cycle Song

The Water Cycle
Takes the water and moves it
Up and Down and all around the Earth

Evaporation comes
When the heat from the Sun
Warms up all the groundwater
Then it turns to water vapor

Condensation takes over
It goes up to the clouds
Water vapor cools down
And it changes to a liquid, now

Precipitation happens
When the drops get big
It falls like Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Hail upon my head
I know it's the water cycle happening again
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation

Audio, please click hear

Click here to download the song

Reference : havefunteaching